Yesterday Brings Today
By Jordan W Martin
The journey between everyday life and that which changes your life will many times take you to a place where you must say good bye to those closest to you.
Yesterday Brings Today is an illustrated short story by Jordan W Martin. It is two perspectives that form one story. The physical book itself has no back cover, it is read from both directions toward the center. The dedication reads, "For those that have left, and those of us left behind."
To bring Yesterday Brings Today to life we ran a Kickstarter project, and thanks to so many generous backers everything came together. Below is everything that went into the Kickstarter project if you want to check everything out.
From the author:
I wrote and illustrated Yesterday Brings Today. I have been working on this story since 2008. It has gone through a lot of changes. Originally, it was actually going to be an animated short, but as it evolved it took on many forms. I finished the writing in 2010 and started working on the layout and even some illustrations when I ran into a block in the road; I realized something wasn't right with what I had created. In the fall of that year some major events took place. I lost two important people in my life only a few months apart, and that is when I started rewriting the story from the ground up. A few small parts where salvaged from the rubble of the original story. In the light of these developments, the fictional story I was working on became more a fictional interpretation of a true story.
There is little I would like to say about the story itself, it is something I would like you to experience yourself. The closest I will come to a summary is to say that Yesterday Brings Today is about the people the book is dedicated to:
For those that have left, and those of us left behind.